Rookie Running Life

Healthy Recipes, Workouts, Random Musings

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I’m a Little Teapot…

It’s Friday, so I will make this post short and sweet as you await the weekend.

Sometimes, I get stuck in a rut and just do the same typical abs, legs and arms weight lifting routines. So I scour Pinterest (follow my Fitness board here) until a new workout – that I can actually do – pops up.

That’s what the below image is (note: that’s not me) – but I did try it and LOVED it. You definitely feel it in your obliques after a few reps. This specific weight lifting routine is called “Teapots.” Who knew?!

Teapots are designed to work your obliques and help target/blast away those pesky love handles. The Bosu ball is completely optional, I didn’t use it at all. Basically, you stand with your legs apart and bend at your waist as far as you can without lifting your opposite foot off of the ground. You shouldn’t bend your supporting leg either.

Do 20 reps; 3-4 sets; use 15 – 20 lb. dumbbells. You’ll feel the burn alright. 🙂



Latest Obsession: Spin Class

I’ll admit it, I’m addicted…to spin class. Recently, I switched gyms and am now a member of LA Fitness. While I’m paying slightly more than a standard gym membership, I could not be happier with the quality of fitness classes offered at my new “home away from home.”

So, three weeks ago, I decided to attend a 5:45 a.m. “Cycle Zone” class. I had never been to spin class before, so I had no idea to expect. Of course, I assumed we would be smooth sailing on a low resistance gear, chatting it up with our cycling peers while music played in the background.

I was wrong.

The minute I got in there, my (awesome) instructor asked if it was my first time. I nodded, and she suggested I “take it easy” if I can’t keep up. I laughed to myself – I mean, how hard could this be? Um, really hard. And tiring. And a great calorie burn.

Each week, the instructor brings a different routine to the table. After 8 weeks, we repeat routines again. They vary – from switching to squatting/sitting positions every two seconds, to peddling as fast as you can for a 5 minute period. Another time, we had to pump up our resistance gear to 24 – the highest level. I’ve never ridden at this level, and my legs were definitely feeling it.

So, how effective is it? Well, it’s always good to try different exercises so your body doesn’t become accustomed to the same routine – leading to the dreaded plateau effect. Personally, I sweat a lot at these classes and can barely get out of bed the next day (a sign of a workout well done).

Spin class = a great calorie burn.

Spin class = a great calorie burn.

According to my Polar FT60 HRM watch, I burn an average of 500-650 calories during each one hour session. I also manage to gulp down a bottle of water each time. Make sure you bring a drink and a towel with you to class – you’ll need it!

Have you attended spin class before? What was your experience like? What other fitness classes do you recommend?