Rookie Running Life

Healthy Recipes, Workouts, Random Musings

Wordless Wednesday: Before and After


Whatever your reason for running and working out – whether it be to lose weight, stay in shape, or simply do something you never thought possible – commit. The results will be worth it, and in my case, no words are necessary to explain why.

Before (left) and after (right) after one year and a half of regularly working out. 30 pounds gone!

Before (left) and after (right) after one year and a half of regularly working out. 30 pounds gone!


12 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Before and After

  1. Wow great results. Thanks for sharing the before and after shots. You should get your before and after pic floating around twitter and pinterest…you will be all over the place in no time. 🙂

  2. Great job! I have some before pictures I need to post on my blog, but never seem to get around to. I have seen a lot of other people brave enough to do it, so I need to do it myself.

  3. Congratulations that is so so wonderful to hear! It’s clear that you’ve worked so hard and I hope one day to have a success story just like that 🙂

  4. Excellent work – my wife was mightily impressed too 🙂

  5. Pingback: The Progress That Can Happen In Two Years | Rookie Running Life

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