Rookie Running Life

Healthy Recipes, Workouts, Random Musings


Current Summer Favorites

It’s common for me to go through phases where I’m obsessed with a specific thing, whether it be food, exercise, or a certain activity. This is especially true during the summer.

Luckily for me, I’ve changed a lot since my not-so-healthy days in college, when all I really wanted was an alcoholic drink, fast food and perhaps a big ol’ bag of chips (disclaimer: I do still love chips!). But now, I’m more of a fan of finding fresh, healthy foods, workouts or outings that make me feel better, on the inside and out.

Currently, I’m all about:

  • Coconut-flavored Siggi's topped with fresh berries

    Coconut-flavored Siggi’s topped with fresh berries

    Siggi’s yogurt: Siggi’s makes an Icelandic style skyr yogurt that is just heavenly! It tastes like a creamy, velvety dessert, but it’s mostly just protein in a convenient to-go cup. In fact, even the label on each yogurt cup says “more protein than sugar.” You can get them for around $2/cup and at Whole Foods, select Stop & Shop stores, and even some Market Basket locations (for my New England readers out there). I like to top mine with fresh berries and/or granola.

  • Fresh herbs: A few weeks – eh, more like months! – ago, I started from scratch my own herb garden. Recently, they’ve grown a bit and I’ve been able to transfer my herbs over from a starter kit to their own individual planters. I’ve never realized how much flavor they can add to any dish or drink. My personal favorite: mint-infused water with lime and strawberry. So refreshing!
  • Grilling: It’s finally summer, which means one of my favorite things is being able to grill almost any main dish/protein. From turkey burgers, to chicken skewers, and even swordfish steaks, the grill adds a whole new layer of flavor that you just can’t replicate on the stove. And as a major life win, I just learned how to work an outdoor grill, so I’ll be getting to work on more grill-based recipes soon! 

    Grilled swordfish steaks - check out those grill marks!

    Grilled swordfish steaks – check out those grill marks!

What are some of your favorite foods, exercises, or summer activities that you currently just have GOT to have? Share in the comments below!


Update: The End of the Tone It Up Bikini Series

A few weeks ago, I blogged about starting the Tone It Up Bikini Series, a free, eight week workout program to help get in great shape for summer. Well, as promised, I wanted to share some results with you – my readers – and also recap some of the goals I’ve reached, and new ones I’ve set for myself as of late.

Tone It Up Bikini Series Results

After eight weeks of proper nutrition and regular exercise, I managed to stay the same weight, which was key for me since I’m already at my goal. I’m not looking to lose any more pounds, but simply, tone up. And the Bikini Series helped me do just that. My abdomen looks tighter and more toner; my waist is more cinched and hour-glass like; and my thighs also lost an inch or two. These small changes were HUGE for me, since I was stuck in a bit of a plateau prior to the Bikini Series.

Here is my official before and after photo:

photo 2

Recap: Bikini Series Goals

  • To complete the ENTIRE series, 100 percent.

I DID THIS! Maybe not 100 percent, but certainly at least 80. It felt great sticking with this until the end.

  • To limit weekend splurges. Yes, I will still have my cheat meals, but just not during the entire Karena and Katrina say that if you spent Friday – Sunday cheating, that can make up for half of the eight weeks in the end – YIKES!

With the exception of a few parties – including birthday parties and bachelorette weekends – I’d say I attempted this. I don’t want to deprive myself at parties, because life is all about fun and moderation!

  • Wake up at least three times per week to get my workout in. I just feel so much more energized when I fit in a workout during the morning – but the hardest part is waking up. Karena and Katrina of Tone It Up like to call morning workouts your “bootycall” – so clever.

I DID THIS TOO! I got into a good groove during the Bikini Series, and now, waking up to workout is somewhat easier for me (still tough when it’s a rainy morning though!).

  • #150bySummer – yep, 150 miles during the 8 weeks. I GOT THIS!

Ok, so I got up to 130-something and the series ended. Bummer. But I loved tracking my mileage because it made me go a bit further than usual.

  • To run a 10k again. I ran my first one last year, and it felt AMAZING. Time to get back into training mode so I can achieve this again.

I did not sign up for a 10k, but I did do an outdoor run on my own that was 6 miles. So, I consider this COMPLETED.

New Goals

I’m proud to say I’ve signed up for my first half marathon! It will be on Saturday, October 4th and while I have months to train, I have to admit – I’m really nervous. I’ve never run such a long distance before. Looking forward to keeping you all up to date on my training throughout the next few weeks. And please, if you have any tips or effective training programs, feel free to comment below or reach out at any time!
What are some of your goals for this year? Looking to run a 5k, 10k, or half marathon too? Let me know!

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated in any way with Tone It Up. I just really enjoy their weekly workout schedules, and LOVE that it’s free of charge for all of us ladies. Thank you, TIU!

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Workout Fun: Kickboxing Class

photo 1My friend and fellow blogger, Lisa (check out her blog here), has been raving about her local kickboxing class for some time now. So last month, when the kickboxing studio was having a special on a three class pass – for only $10! – I had to sign up and give it a try. I mean, when else will I have a chance to throw punches while burning major calories?

So this past weekend, my other friend, Steph, and I joined Lisa at I Love Kickboxing Shrewsbury. I Love Kickboxing is actually a chain, so you may want to scour their website and see if there’s a location (and similar special) near you. I highly recommend it.

Coming in, I didn’t know what to expect. It was an hour long class with about 20 other people around me. Most were barefoot; others kept their socks on. To warm up, the (really ripped) instructor had us run laps around the studio – including jogging with high knees, followed by butt kicks.

Afterwards, we hit a 15 minute conditioning circuit complete with burpees, tuck jumps, sit ups, and more. It got my heart rate up and ready for the kickboxing that was to come.

From there, we strapped on our boxing gloves – which was complimentary with the three class package – and started a series of moves. At first, we only used our upper body to throw a few punches, but then, we quickly added in kicks to work the legs and core. We finished it off with cool leg workouts – called snappy poodle kicks and straight leg poodle kicks. It was AWESOME, and so great to get a nice change in my workouts.

photo 2We finished the hour with a group cool down. Before I knew it, class was over and I was stopping my Polar FT60 HRM watch at nearly 500 calories, with a 25 percent fat burn. WOO WEE! It felt great, especially on a weekend morning.

So, if you’re looking to try something challenging, rewarding and new in terms of workouts, I highly recommend kickboxing classes. I can’t wait to try it out once again – and a shout out to my friends that made getting through the hour a whole lot of fun!

What are your favorite fitness classes? Drop your suggestions in the comments section below! 

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Dashing Dish Cake Batter Protein Shake

A few weeks ago, I purchased Katie Farrell’s cookbook, “Dashing Dish: 100 Simple and Delicious Recipes for Clean Eating,” and it’s been one of my most used books ever since – right up there with SkinnyTaste, of course. Whether in her book or on her blog, Katie makes clean eating so delicious that it often feels like a cheat treat, even though it’s completely in line with my nutrition guidelines.

On Sunday night, I was craving a sweet treat that wouldn’t add to the weekend of gluttony I just wrapped up. So, I flipped through a few pages and came across the Dashing Dish’s Cake Batter Protein Shake, a recipe that is also available on I heard raving reviews of this from my sister, so I gave it a try. BEST DECISION EVER. Sweet tooth happy, without feeling guilty – a complete win/win.

Here’s the recipe, courtesy of Dashing Dish:

  • 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
  • 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (but I’d think you can also use chocolate)
  • 3 drops of almond extract
  • 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 2-3 stevia packets (or sweetener of choice to taste)
  • 1/2 to 1 cup of water (depends on the consistency that you like your shakes)
  • 5-10 ice Cubes (use less for a thinner consistency)
  • Sprinkles (optional, as a topping)


Combine all ingredients (except the sprinkles) in a blender and blend until a frothy mixture forms. Pour into a cup and top with sprinkles for the full cake experience. 🙂

cake batter shake

21 Day Fix Tally: I counted this as 1.5 red containers (THAT’S IT – AMAZING!). Omit the sprinkles if you are following the nutrition plan to a T.


Weekend Warrior: 3 Tips to Stay Healthy During the Weekend

I find that weekends are the hardest part of the week to remain “on track” with clean eating and exercise. For me, Friday afternoon rolls around, and suddenly I’m headed to Starbucks for an end-of-week chocolatey drink, then get home and enjoy my weekly takeout with my fiancé. I will never give up Friday night takeout, no matter what – it’s a tradition of ours that I work hard to enjoy.

That’s my Friday, in a nut shell. Do I feel bad about it? No, because I usually stick to my nutrition and workouts every other day of the week. So, Friday nights are my splurge.

HOWEVER, I always try to be on my best behavior on Saturdays and Sundays, to achieve the 80% clean, 20% cheat balance. How do I do this? A few of my favorite tips are below:

  1. Go grocery shopping!

This is my Saturday morning ritual. First thing in the morning, to beat the crowds, I’m at the grocery store stocking up on fresh veggies, fruits, and healthy pantry items to eat throughout the week. Here’s what my cart looked like just last week – don’t mind the ice cream treats for dogs. J Lean meats, veggies, fruits and nuts are the bulk of it.


  1. Create healthy, yet equally as delicious, weekend morning breakfasts.

This past weekend, I made Perfect Fit protein pancakes from the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan. This recipe is not available to non-TIU Plan members, so while I cannot share this exact one, there are still TONS of protein pancake recipes on Pinterest. Try one and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much they taste like Aunt Jemima’s – without the guilt. I like to sprinkle cinnamon on mine, and drizzle with all-natural Nature Nate’s Raspberry Honey Syrup. YUM!


  1. Find just 30 minutes to exercise.

Autumn Calabrese of the 21 Day Fix is known for saying, “you can do anything for 30 minutes!” I like to believe you can also make time for anything in 30 minutes. Go for a quick 3 mile run outside if weather permits; play your favorite 30-minute at-home workout DVD; or simply take your dog(s) for a long walk around the neighborhood. You don’t need to spend grueling hours at the gym to get your exercise in, especially during the weekend when you want to also accomplish other things, like spending time with family and friends, shopping (see tip #1), and house chores.

Prepping for an outdoor run; love funny workout tops like this!

Prepping for an outdoor run; love funny workout tops like this!

Most importantly, even if you do have a bad weekend here and there, remember that this is a lifestyle change. There will always be cheat meals, lazy weekends, and social gatherings with cake and alcohol – it’s a part of life! But remember to get back on the wagon once the start of the week rolls around. Tomorrow will always be a new day.

What are your best tips for eating healthy and getting in exercise during the weekend? Drop them in the comments section below.

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Review: Jillian Michaels’ Ripped in 30

As I blogged about before, I’ve completed about 5 rounds of Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix workouts. I loved the workout program because it was only 30 minutes long and could easily be done at home – which is such a convenience during this past brutal New England winter. But after so many rounds of the same workouts, my body was simply getting too used to the routine. I needed to change it up, and couldn’t wait a few more weeks until the official release of 21 Day Fix Extreme.

So, one day, as I walked around Target and browsed the fitness section, I came across their workout DVD section. Jillian Michaels’ Ripped in 30 caught my eye – I mean, who doesn’t want to be jacked in just 30 days? And the best part of it was the DVD was only $10, so even if I dreaded it, at least it wasn’t too much of an initial investment.

As a disclaimer, this is only a review of Jillian Michaels’ Ripped in 30 workouts. I stuck to the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan since it has become my lifestyle and works for me.

The workout program is divided up into four weeks, with each week increasing in difficulty and intensity. The warm-ups and cool-downs last about 5 minutes combined, so you’re really only sweating it out for 25 minutes – but boy, are you sweating! Jillian has a crazy (but really effective) 3,2,1 set-up, where you’re completing 3 minutes of strength, followed by 2 minutes of cardio, and lastly, 1 minute of abs. During each week, you must complete 3 rounds of 3, 2, 1, which ultimately adds up to the 25 minutes or so that you’re actually working out.

I found week 1 to be tough, but definitely doable if you’re a beginner. I used 8 lb. weights throughout the entire program, since those are the only dumbbells I have on hand. It was just enough to feel the burn the next day! The workouts included squat lunges, shoulder press, single leg hops and skaters. I think 21 Day Fix prepared me well enough to handle the first week, which was a relief, but definitely the change my body was looking for. The same can be said for week 2.

Ironically, I think I struggled the most with week 3, especially when it came to the strength portions of the workout circuit. There were duck walks, bear crawls, stork stance with reverse fly, table top tricep dips AND downward dog push-ups. Not only were you using your dumbbells, but you were also using your body weight which was tough (but felt great afterwards).

Some moves, and a sweaty selfie, of week 3

Some moves, and a sweaty selfie, of week 3

I’m a firm believer that if you can make it through week 3, you can definitely do week 4. It’s intense, yes, but you are SO CLOSE to being done and completing the goal you set out on. Lots of push-ups, plank moguls, and burpees (YIKES) to get through, but your body should ideally be stronger by week 4. The workouts don’t get easier, you just get stronger!

Squated shoulder lifts, and a little flex action, from week 4

Squated shoulder lifts, and a little flex action, from week 4

I was looking to tone my body through this program, and I did just that. I’m at my goal weight already, and managed to stay there, but I lost 2.5 total inches off of my body and definitely toned my stomach area some more.


Overall, I highly recommend this DVD program – it’s a great workout at a terrific value. It’s always good to switch up your workout routine when your body just isn’t feeling the burn, so for $10 and from the luxury of your own home, Jillian Michaels lets us get Ripped in 30!


Mexican Stuffed Peppers

Life has been so good, but so busy – sorry for not posting in almost a month!

The past holiday weekend had me calorie splurging a bit, but isn’t that what holidays are for? I’m happy to report I’m back on track with the new start of the week. For those of you looking for some healthy recipes to resume your routines, look no further – I think I have the perfect, lightened up, Mexican stuffed pepper recipe.

Serves: 4-6


  • 1 package, or 1 lb., ground turkey
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 1 cup black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 cup frozen corn
  • ½ package of taco seasoning (I used low sodium)
  • 3 large red or green bell peppers, halved, de-seeded
  • 1 cup of shredded cheese (I used cheddar)


1) Spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Then, place your pepper halves on the sheet, facing upright and with just a hint of extra virgin olive oil drizzled on top. Bake them at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.

Peppers - halved and ready to hit the oven.

Peppers – halved and ready to hit the oven.

2) While the peppers are in the oven, make the stuffing! Drizzle some olive oil on a skillet, and add your onions until soft. Then, add in the ground turkey and cook through. Add the taco seasoning once the turkey looks almost done.

3) Add the beans and corn to the turkey mixture and cook for an additional 5 minutes or so.

4) Place the cooked peppers and place them in a casserole dish. Scoop your turkey stuffing into the pepper halves and sprinkle a good heaping of cheese on top. Place in the broiler for about 5 minutes, until bubbly.

Final product - I like my cheese very golden.

Final product – I like my cheese very golden.

My favorite thing about this recipe is that you don’t need rice in your mixture, which makes this a great dinner for those watching their carbs or calories. And one half of a pepper is pretty filling that I don’t need to make a heavy side to accompany this. Usually, I slice up a tomato and enjoy that as a “side.”

Enjoy this spicy, guilt free take on a classic. Let me know what you think in the Comments section. 🙂

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Tips to Stay Fit When Traveling

The past few weeks have been very busy, both in work and life in general, so I apologize for the delay between blog posts. Last week, I found myself in Indianapolis for a client meeting (got to love working in PR) and it sparked the question, how do you remain healthy while traveling?

It’s very tempting to get caught up in the social scene – before you know it, you’ve downed half a pizza, beers, donuts, home-style Midwest barbeque – you name it.

For this reason, I thought I’d share some tips that worked for me during my brief two day stint. And if any others come to mind, please feel free to share your tricks in the Comments section.

Tough travel situations faced, in chronological order:

Airplane snacks – Peanuts, pretzels or cookies, the flight attendant asked me. Don’t splurge on free plane snacks. Go for the lightest option, which was a package of peanuts coming in at 70 calories.

Bars – I am not a big fan of alcohol, so it was easy for me to resist ordering an afternoon arrival beer. However, I do enjoy my glass of wine, but opted to skip out on this and order a glass of water instead. I still had a great conversation with the company on hand, sans alcohol. I figured I’d save my calories for some other treats.

Pizza parlors – For dinner, my client treated us to the finest pizza in town, Barbeaux Pizza. I wasn’t going to order a salad, since for one I LOVE pizza and it was truly a once in a lifetime experience (how many other times will I get to experience Indy pizza?). I had three slices and while I had room for more, I had to stop since I knew this was already breaking the healthy lifestyle habits I’ve formed.

Breakfast (DONUTS!) – In the hotel the next morning in Indy, I ordered a Greek yogurt with a skinny latte on the side. I felt satisfied and knew this would resist the urge to reach for the donut box that would be at the client meeting that morning. This is when self-control is key. I knew I had pizza the night before, so I had to compensate for that by not reaching for the honey glazed donuts.

Barbeque buffets – The client provided us with lunch in the form of barbeque. I opted for the pulled BBQ chicken (as opposed to the brisket) and filled up on green beans as the side, with only a spoonful of corn casserole. Load up on lean meats and veggies, and beware of your portion size for the unhealthier items.

But perhaps the best (and most obvious) piece of advice when traveling is this: always make time for exercise. Whether it’s a few laps in the hotel pool, using the fitness center in the hotel basement, or simply going for an outdoor scenic run, it’s important to get your exercise in to compensate for the good eats you’ll be getting in.

Here’s a photo of my morning workout in the hotel. I ran three miles using the hotel treadmill, and then completed a 30 minute ab circuit from the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide’s free week of workouts (done right in my hotel room!).

photo (6)

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Guilt-Free Ways to Satisfy your Chocolate Craving

It’s been a very busy week at work (sorry for neglecting you blog), meaning my sweet tooth has been acting up. I’ve been wanting all things chocolate, but luckily for me, there are guilt-free ways to satisfy the cravings.

Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Quaker Chocolate Crunch Rice Cakes

No peanut butter or spread needed on these – they are so good! In the rice cake, you’ll find sprinkles of chocolate chips which allow for a nice sweet surprise, mixed in with the typical rice cake crunch. Best of all, only 60 calories in one cake (10 from fat) and 10g of whole grains. And for all my gluten free friends out there, these are ok to eat. 🙂photo 1

  • Skinny Cow…anything!

My personal favorites include the Heavenly Crisp wafers – only 110 calories per rich chocolate-y wafer – and the Dreamy Clusters, which reminds me of a Russell Stover caramel turtle. Yum, and only 120 calories per pouch, which contains about 5 caramel clusters.

photo 2

Skinny Cow also had a line of low calories ice cream bars, which I am going to try next.

So satisfy that sweet tooth without falling off the wagon! What are some of your favorite ways to get a healthy chocolate fix? Let me know in the comments below.

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Not-So-Chunky Monkey Protein Shake

Back in December, I blogged about my experience drinking GNC Total Lean’s Lean Shake. In just those two months, I could see my body leaning out and I’m proud to say I’ve stuck to drinking one of these puppies since. While the recommended meal plan from GNC encourages you to drink two per day, I drink one for breakfast, eat a salad and lean protein for lunch, and have a hearty dinner (usually meaning more protein and two types of vegetables).

You can mix the GNC Lean Shake powder with water, but if you want even more flavor, try this recipe for what I like to call the “Not-So-Chunky Monkey” protein shake.

Here’s what you’ll need for this mocha blend:

  • 1 – 2 cups of cold, brewed coffee
  • 1/3 of a frozen banana (life hack: freeze bananas when you see they are starting to get soft)
  • 2 scoops of vanilla or chocolate flavored GNC Lean Shake (or your favorite type of protein powder)

Note: If you are only using one cup of coffee, I suggest adding about ½ cup of water for less chunkiness and more liquidity.

photo (2)

Toss all ingredients into a blender and give it a whoosh! The result is a creamy, mocha-infused drink to get your morning off to a healthy start. This is a much healthier, and affordable, alternative to purchasing coffee on-the-go each day.

What are your favorite protein shake recipes? Share in the comments below! 🙂